Becoming a BeoWorld Forum Moderator

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I would like to become a BeoWorld Community Forum moderator - is this possible?

What qualities do you look for in a moderator? What duties are involved?

We sometimes need moderators on the forum, so the best advice is to write to us and ask if there is a need at that time. If not, we'll put you on a waiting list.

Generally we like to choose people who are existing members of the forum, and who put in a regular 'appearance'. Also your use of the English language generally has to be good. As far as product knowledge is concerned, this is useful but not essential. After all, there are places to look and people to ask!

Becoming a good moderator

The best moderators are skilled facilitators - both diplomatic and patient - who are able to keep Beoworld members within the focus and stated purpose of their forum. Each moderator uses his or her own style to carry out that responsibility which suits their personality. So, the moral here is... be yourself!

Another job of the moderator is to stimulate conversation in the forum. By being regularly active you will increase the interest in your forum. After all, who wants to sit in an empty 'room'? A good moderator ensures that his/her forum is inviting, active, and an asset to the Community Forums as a whole.

So, what does 'moderating' really mean?

Generally, moderators have a threefold responsibility:

to ensure that subscribers are following the discussion guidelines

to assist new members

to foster lively discussion

Authority and responsibilities of the moderator

Moderators can:

Post new topics

Post replies

Be notified via email of each new post or topic

Edit messages

Delete topics or messages

Move topics or messages

BeoWorld has one of the best moderating teams of any Internet Forum, so if you are interested - please get in touch!

Reference: 13
Created: 15th January 2007
Modified: 16th January 2007

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